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technical computer repair

Technical Computer is a mobile pc repairing service in Kuna, Idaho. We repair Dell and HP desktops and Toshiba laptops. We build websites that customers can see on their mobile phone. We can help. Phone: 208-899-9419

Computer Repair Virus Removal Kuna Idaho Technical Computer

More and more people are getting notebooks from Dell or HP that still get run down by bloatware and big antivirus packages.

Toshiba PC Cleaning in Kuna, Id

We clean dust out of laptops and notebook pc's so they can run faster and play games better.

Telehealth Computer Set up Service

We can help set up your computer for your next telehealth appointment. Telemedicine has changed the way we see doctors now with a computer or cell phone. These virtual visits save time and gas needed to get to a face to face doctors appointment.

Visit our home page for more computer repair info.